Membership costs just £10 per year. This includes unlimited access to our Speaker meetings, walks, and outings.
You can join at any stage when you come along. If you’d rather chat to us first for more information, just send us an email in the contact form below.
Hope to see you soon, but if you’re still not sure then read one member’s experience below.

The New Members Tale
There’s always a certain nervousness when you decide to try out a new group. Will the activity be to our liking, will it be cliquey or welcoming, is it expensive etc etc.
We were newly moved into Nidderdale and looking for ways of finding out more about our new home area, developing our social circle and, well, just wanting to have fun and enjoyment.
So, we saw in the local paper there was a walk organised by a local group – the Nidderdale Society. We strapped on our boots and drove to Darley. There were a number of cars already there, with groups of people chatting and laughing. We parked, got out of the car and were engulfed in a wave of warmth. Every single person in the group came to introduce themselves and to welcome us. By the time we set off we felt like old friends.
Not knowing the form, we had assumed that we would do the 5 mile walk and then retire to the Wellington for a sandwich and a pint. We were taken aback then, when, half-way round the leader announced it was lunchtime! Everyone found a place to sit and opened their packed lunches. Awkward for us? Not a bit of it. As soon as the group realised what had happened, we were inundated with offers, “here, please take a cheese sandwich”, “would you like some pork pie” – we could have feasted like royalty.
The same welcome and attention was offered us too when we went to our first speaker evening. Very enjoyable subject, great speaker and lovely company.
Now we have been with the Society for 2 years and so enjoy all the activities. Interesting and informative, but a lot of fun with lovely people. Just what we set out to find!
Come along soon, you’ll love it too.